Josh Haas's Web Log


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Current projects:

  • Bubble — radically simple programming so that everyone can create technology
  • This blog — ranging from technical issues to political philosophy to favorite graphic novels

Past projects:

  • KeywordSmart — solving the problem of applying quality metadata to images, specifically related to stock photography
  • Management Associate at Bridgewater Associates — managed a team responsible for internal training, media, and communications, responsible for multiple internal technology projects
  • The Issue — coded the website for this now-defunct online media startup
  • Tuesday Magazine — writing, editing, and building the organization to create a beautiful product and a place for high-quality dialogue
  • My senior thesis — re-examination of free will and morality through Kantian ethics, Buddhist philosophy, and modern psychological research

Written by jphaas

March 8th, 2011 at 5:17 am

Posted in